In between

So this post is a quick blip of my time in Copenhagen between travel break one, Belgium (coming soon!), and travel break two (which will be up shortly after Belgium). As you can tell, I’m trying to catch up as time has just been flying by.

Spring is slowly awakening Copenhagen & it is fantastic. Oh how I have missed the sun.

My friend also came to visit so I saw her for a day, which was really nice.

I took her to do all the touristy things, of course. We also popped into a pie shop on pi day! What a coincidence. We also walked up the Round Tower on this gloriously sunny day. Just lovely.

Before setting off to London for travel break two, some people on my floor & I went out. There is this place called War Pigs which I had been meaning to try…they sell American BBQ and beer. I’ll just have to go back to try their hushpuppies haha!

Hope you guys enjoyed seeing a bit more of Copenhagen again!

Vi ses

I’m Late!

Hi there.

This post will cover Feb 19-24, as I was too busy that week before our first travel break (that blog will come out shortly after this one!).

On the 19th, I was so lucky to have been offered a free ticket to a Copenhagen soccer game! I was actually about to go do work, but ended up going to this instead because – when does a free ticket fall in your lap!? It was a great experience…even though no team won haha.

During the week I made a pit stop to The Donut Shop near school & boy was it good! The cashier recommended ‘Daim’, which you can see in the middle right of the picture. I also volunteered at Studenterhuset twice this week & five hour shifts manage to keep you quite busy. I quite like working there, though! I think it’s good coffee making/bar experience – plus the people are fun!

On Tuesday, my Danish class went to see the ballet at the Royal Theatre! It was fantastic as I had never seen a professional ballet before. Unfortunately, I looked like a hobo (not really) because I had to come straight from volunteering at Studenterhuset. Oh well.

The next day I had a field study (actually 3!), but the most interesting one was to DR Byen. It’s like the Danish BBC and we got to see their newsroom :O

Anyway, I suppose it warmed up in Denmark by about 3 degrees, but that gave the Danes enough reason to break out the flowers! That and sunshine were welcomed sights.

On Friday I was supposed to meet up with my visiting host family (finally!), but she never answered me after 2 pm to see when/where we were gonna meet. I had bought her flowers, but around 8 pm I was done waiting for her response.

Saturday I would leave for Scotland! 7:15 am 🙂 oh my

Vi ses! (See you!)

Busy Bee

Hellooo again,

Diving right on in, last Saturday I went to the Design Museum with a friend. I was a fan for two reasons: it’s free for students (oh yeah) and there were such cool designs in there from everything from tea kettles and bikes to lamps and clothes. Later that night some friends and I were going to try this place called the Greasy Spoon, essentially an American style diner so I didn’t think we would need reservations. Wrong! They were booked for an hour, but luckily we ran into our SRA who suggested a Thai place (Green Mango) in Christianhavn. Eating much later than expected, the curry and pad thai were welcomed sights.


Skipping right over Sunday (because who wants to hear about laundry and cover letters? – it isn’t all fun & games while abroad!), the first half of my week was Core Course week.

Now what is Core Course week exactly? Well, it is a week off from classes when you travel with your core course class (Strategic Communication for me) and go on educational field trips. Incredible!

My class started off in Odense (about a 2 hour drive from CPH) to see TV2, which is a government funded channel like PBS or BBC. An anchor even chatted with us for a little bit! I also got a free pen – woohoo! We also saw the local DR news station (also a government funded network).

That night we went to a microbrewery called Midtfyns Bryghus, which is owned by this crazy American guy named Eddie (married a Danish lady hence his presence in Denmark!). He was great and had many funny stories to share with us – all while we tasted 5 of his beers. Couldn’t have asked for a better night with tasty beers and delicious food! Quite a cool experience. We even got to keep the glasses :O

Tuesday: We traveled north to Aarhus (Denmark’s 2nd biggest city). We got a tour of Dokk1. None of us really knew what it was or what to expect, but it was actually quite unique! It is a library, basically, but also a gathering place…business space…it adapts to people’s needs. I liked hearing about how design was used as a communication tool. A pleasant surprise for sure!

Wednesday: On our last day in Aarhus, we explored ARoS. This place is an absolutely awesome art museum. So. Much. Fun! There’s so much movement and interaction throughout it.

I think my favorite piece (tough call) would be the keyed Lambo called “Low Key.” And of course, I had to see the iconic 360 colorful roof…

*Also, it was flurrying snow the whole time – quite scenic…but also very cold haha.

Overall, the trip was fantastic! I loved all the visits and it was a nice break from the typical classroom setting.

Core Course continued today with two different guest speakers, but a friend and I found a hidden gem during our lunch break! It’s a little café called ‘Voulez-Vous?’, and we chatted to the store worker  – from Lyons, France! We practiced our extremely minimal French, but it was nice to discover a quieter space with less students. I’ll be going back for sure.

There is one last visit tomorrow to cap off Core Course week, where we will go to the Mystery Room which is the Danish equivalent to Escape the Room.

Coming Up >> This weekend I venture out of Denmark! I’m going with a friend of mine to Stockholm, Sweden. Catch ya on the flip side…
