Empire state building with beach

NY Summer

Sure it’s hot. Sure it’s crowded. And sure…there are some smells. But ya just gotta power through it because, hell, we’re in NYC! The center of the universe, hello! — well, some would argue…

I had a friend visiting this past weekend, so we had to show her a good time.


>Surprisingly chilly for late July in NY (but the rain held off)

By noon we had gotten ourselves to North Williamsburg for the weekly food festival, Smorgasburg. With the plethora of food stands and fantastic view, you can’t beat the experience!

I enjoyed cold sesame noodles and a salted caramel ice cream churro sandwich for dessert! Talk about heavenly.

We then wandered around a bit, popping into a few stores before catching the ferry ($2.75) to DUMBO, which is an acronym for “Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass.”

Once there, with all the hoards of tourists, we crossed the iconic Brooklyn Bridge — it is indeed prettier than many other NY bridges. It’s also nice because, for once, pedestrians are in the middle of the bridge and not the sides. The wide walkway also adds to the ease.

Afterwards we hopped on a train to LES (the Lower East Side) to grab some pizza at Pizza Beach. We came for the aesthetic so the pizza was surprisingly good! My friend & me shared a margherita pizza. Then I splurged and got a cocktail (the “Endless Summer”: lemon infused vodka, cucumber & mint) which was not skimpy on the alcohol, actually.

Looking to kill time on a Saturday night, what do we do? Find a cheap happy hour. We found this Japanese place with $6 cocktails till 8 pm! STEAL! In NY, of course.


Café Henrie was the destination today for brunch. Located in Chinatown, it’s a relaxed cafe offering various coffees, cocktails & fresh food. I opted for a matcha latte and their new chicken coconut bowl.

We then skipped off to the Highline seeing as my friend had never been! It was a sunny day, so naturally, all the tourists were out, too.

While my friends went to get ice cream, I went to the bathrooms in Chelsea Market. I was waiting for them in a bookstore, killing some time.

*Hack: go to Chelsea Market for free public restrooms if you’re in the area & can’t find one.

And ya know, the world is so small.

Next thing ya know, I hear someone say to me, “Excuse me.”

& it is my good friend from my study abroad program! What are the odds?! She’s in banking and I had asked her if she was free to hang out, but she said she would be too busy. It just happened to be that we ran into each other!

She tells me she was gonna meet up with our other friend for drinks now at Le Bain at The Standard. It’s a place I always wanted to go so I was thrilled to join them & catch up!

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Fresh Berries cocktail at Le Bain

While there, I see Dean from the Bachlorette (Rachel’s season)!! He was one of my faves & I had to control my staring aha. Right place, right time!

Overall, a fabulous weekend with pals! & the weather wasn’t too hot — hallelujah.

If you have any NY specific questions feel free to comment! Happy summer!